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4 Ways to Have a Fangtastic Halloween


4 Ways to Have a Fangtastic Halloween

Witches, wizards, goblins, and ghouls will be knocking on your door this All Hallows’ Eve. Prepare yourself and your home for these trick-or-treaters, to prevent the night from ending in horror!

Here are some tips to keep your home spooky safe throughout the holiday!

Clear Walkways

Driveways and sidewalks should have a clear path for those walking around. Tape down any wiring used for décor and secure hanging objects to avoid a tripping or tipping hazard. If you can’t move a possible threat (like a tree root) make a “watch your step!” sign.

Say “No” to Flames

Candles may provide the perfect amount of light for a cool fall evening and give off those famous autumn scents, but don’t be tempted to use them during a party or as outdoor decorations. Many party and craft retailers offer flameless candle options that run on batteries. Check out some alternatives here!


Fog machines, strobe lights, and dimmers, OH MY! Don’t turn the lights out on your annual visitors. It’s hard enough for some to see through masks, makeup, and the dark, so adding fog machines and strobe lights can unsafe. Light the walking path up to your door to help everyone trick-or-treat safely!

Lock it Up

If you’re staying in, keep all doors and windows locked so no surprise visitors enter without your permission. If possible, keep your car in the garage for the night and trick-or-treat on foot. This helps prevent pedestrian car accidents and vandalism. Going out? Put some lights on a timer and keep the radio or television on. Don’t forget to set your alarm and follow these burglar-proofing tips!

If you are hosting a haunted house, check with your agent to make sure you are covered in the event of an injury. Don’t be frightened by the holiday. Prepare ahead of time and be mindful when decorating to ensure everyone has a spooktacular night!