When you purchased your home, chances are you purchased a home insurance policy to protect it. As life goes on, things change. Make sure your policy changes with it. A home insurance policy should protect as well as it did the first day you purchased your home. Be sure to update it when any of these five life events happen.
While shopping for insurance, you’ll need to know the replacement cost of your home and its contents to ensure your homeowners insurance properly covers you. If your home and its contents are damaged in a storm, do you know how much it’ll cost to build your life again? Here’s how to determine the replacement cost of your home.
Have you been wanting to remodel lately? Whether you’re renting or simply not handy with a hammer or paint brush, you shouldn’t be limited to expressing your style! It is possible to decorate your home without damaging the walls AND prevent it from looking like your kid's dorm room at the same time. Find out how Lighthouse likes to decorate without damage!
Home renovations are exciting, but they can also be very stressful. We choose to remodel for many reasons. Whether you are renovating due to updating an old structure, adding more square feet, replacing a damaged structure or if mother nature jumpstarts a remodeling project, check out these three major things you need to know about whether your homeowners insurance[...]